- On this page:
Our Services
Meet Our Department
Contact Us
Community Engagement
Here to Help
At East Texas A&M, the University Police Department prides itself on serving our community well.
Some of our most common services include:
- Unlocking locked vehicles
- Jump-starting dead batteries
- Lost and found
- Notary Public
- Crime prevention
- Much, much more…
Community Survey
With your help, we are always improving. Fill out and email our community survey to [email protected]
You can also drop off the completed survey at UPD 1901 Monroe St. Commerce, Texas 75429

Connect with Us
- University Police Department
- 903.886.5868
- [email protected]
Comment or Compliment
The following contact has been established for any compliments, thanks or feedback you may have for an individual police department employee or the department in general.